Bear Lasting Fruit

Delhi Lighthouse tailoring graduate, Sheetal, has become a successful tailoring instructor.

Delhi Lighthouse tailoring graduate, Sheetal, has become a successful tailoring instructor.

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.
John 15:16 (NIV)

Sheetal and her husband lived in Sangam Vihar, one of the largest slums in India’s capital of Delhi, because she had been unemployed for an extended period. After graduating from the tailoring school at the Delhi Lighthouse Center, Sheetal secured a job as a tailor, and became an instructor at the tailoring school, and was able to move out of the slum. But her new jobs were a two mile walk from her home. We rejoice with Sheetal that she has recently been hired as a tailoring instructor for a school near her home.

Please Pray:

  • With great thanks, that God brought Sheetal out of her despair and that she will continue to bear lasting fruit in her new position as a tailoring instructor, becoming an effective mentor of her trade and her Christian faith.
  • For the graduates of the ServeNow tailoring programs to be successful in their new careers, allowing them to improve their living conditions, avoid human trafficking, and increase the quality of life for their families.
  • For the staff and volunteers of the Delhi Lighthouse Center, as they meet the needs of the least and the lost in the surrounding slums.

Please leave your prayers for Sheetal and the other tailoring students at the Delhi Lighthouse tailoring school as a comment below.

Hope for the Helpless

Children of Chitwan get winter coverings

Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them. Psalm 10:17 (NLT)

“We had no hope, but at the right time, ServeNow came and brought hope. We are so thankful for an alternative way of living and for a bright future.” (Maya)

Maya reading The Basics Things You Need To Know about JesusMaya, a student of the Katmandu (Nepal) Lighthouse Center tailoring program, shares her appreciation above for the life skills she is learning, and for the love that the Center has shown to her village. In addition to teaching young women a trade so that they are not vulnerable to traffickers, the Center’s director wants to make a positive impact on the surrounding community.

When the local paper ran an article about how many people in the region are dying from exposure to the severe cold this winter, he sprang into action. In the past two weeks, winter coverings (a parcel including a hat, gloves, fleece coat, and blanket) were given to almost 300 young children. The local government was so impressed, that the Secretary of Village Development for Chitwan, Jutpani expressed his appreciation saying, “Thank you so much for standing with us for the betterment of the high risk and vulnerable children of Nepal.”

Please Pray:

  • For Maya and her fellow students in the tailoring program to be successful in their studies.
  • That when the students receive the booklet, The Basic Things You Need to Know about Jesus, their hearts are open to the hope that God provides through his Son.
  • That the children in the village are kept warm through the winter, and that they begin to trust the staff at the Lighthouse Center and are open to hearing about God’s love for them.

Comment below to leave your prayers for Maya and the children of Chitwan. Your heartfelt words will be relayed them through the staff of the Katmandu Lighthouse Center.

Hope and a Future

Nepal tailoring school

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Last week the Katmandu Lighthouse Center Director overheard the women in the tailoring program share their optimism about the training they are receiving.

They were sharing that this training not only teaches new skills, but is also a tool for preventing them from being lured by the fake promises of traffickers. It is a gift for them to find an alternative way to earn a living in their own community once they have graduated.”

In addition, the Secretary of the Village Development Committee of Nepal praised the Center,

“I want to thank ServeNow for providing life skill training for these participants. They didn’t have any way to be trained before, and this preparation will allow them to be independent.”

Please Pray:

  • That every woman successfully completes the program, graduating with a tailoring certificate recognized by the state.
  • For the women accept Jesus as their Lord, believing that Jesus Christ is their hope and future.
  • That the communities the women return to welcome them, utilize their services, and are open to the gospel.

Hear the Message

girl mending

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.
(Romans 10:17 NIV)

The recently opened Lighthouse Center in Katmandu, Nepal was established to aid downtrodden women and children. The tailoring school shares God’s love through teaching His Word and skills that allow participants to graduate with a useful vocation. Though she has not yet accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, Pabitra shares how meaningful her experience is:

“I am from the disadvantaged community and there was no way for me to pay to get life skill training like Tailoring. Once I graduate from this course, I will have the skills to do something in my village for the survival of my family, and avoid the fake promises of traffickers. Thank you Serve Now Nepal for helping us in our need.” – Pabitra

Please Pray:

  • Along with a few other students, ask God to soften Pabitra’s heart, and bring them all into the family of believers.
  • That God’s light shines brightly as the community around the center sees how disadvantaged women and children are treated with dignity and honor.
  • For the protection and safety of the Lighthouse Center staff